"Workweek Aubades." Stirring: A Literary Collection 27.1 (2025): Stirring Lit. Web.
from "The Etna” (Anonymous, Aetna ll. 533-84). The Classical Outlook (2024): pp. 95-97. American Classical League. Print.
"St. Audubon’s Apocalypse." Nimrod International Journal (2024): pp. 70-71. University of Tulsa. Print.
"Iolan Elegy.” Hayden’s Ferry Review (2024): Arizona State University. Web.
"Seascape Memorial" and “Elegy for Heron Town.” THINK 14.2 (2024): pp. 58-60. THINK: A Journal of Poetry, Fiction, and Essays. Print.
"Ergot/Western Wheatgrass." About Place Journal 8.1 (2024): Black Earth Institute. Web.
"Mountain Plover.” Image Journal 120 (2024): Center for Religious Humanism. Print.
"Aetna incerti auctoris: an Introduction." THINK 14.1 (2024): pp. 109-122. THINK: A Journal of Poetry, Fiction, and Essays. Print.
"Cabbage White Butterfly." Rust & Moth (2024): Rust & Moth. Web.
"Coyote” and "Rusty Crayfish & Northern Crayfish.” Harpur Palate (2024): Binghamton University. Web.
"Grey Garden Slug.” Cumberland River Review 12.4 (2023): Trevecca Nazarene University. Web.
from "The Moselle” (Decimus Magnus Ausonius, Mosella ll. 111-38, 549-63). The Classical Outlook 98.1 (2023): pp. 29-30. American Classical League. Print.
"Great Blue Heron.” Faultline Journal of Arts and Letters 32 (2023): p. 88. University of California—Irvine. Print.
"Bridge Spider.” Split Rock Review 20 (2023): Split Rock Review. Web.
"Backyard Augur.” Red Rock Review (2023): College of Southern Nevada. pp. 61-62. Print.
"Toward the New Year.” The Hollins Critic (2023): p. 21. Hollins University. Print.
"Woodhouse’s Toad.” Tahoma Literary Review 24 (2023): p. 83. Tahoma Literary Review. Print.
"Army Cutworm (Miller) Moth" and "Ute Lady’s Tresses." THINK 13.1 (2023): pp. 49-50. THINK: A Journal of Poetry, Fiction, and Essays. Print.
"False Parasol," "Garter Snake," "Mallard," and "Short-Eared Owl." Bristlecone (2022): Birstlecone. Web.
"Acheron." THINK 12.2 (2022): pp. 49-50. THINK: A Journal of Poetry, Fiction, and Essays. Print.
"Pronghorn." Rust & Moth (2022): Rust & Moth. Web.
"Black-Tailed Prairie Dog," "Mule Deer," and "Red Tailed-Hawk." Flint Hills Review 27 (2022): pp. 70-73. Emporia State University. Print.
"Mammut americanum/Mammuthus columbi" and "Megaloceros giganteus." Zone 3 37.1 (2022): pp. 84-85. Austin Peay State University. Print.
"Riversong" and "Evening Graves." Sweet Tree Review 7.2 (2022): Sweet Tree Review. Web.
"Nocturne." Pinyon 31 (2022): p. 9. Colorado Mesa University. Print.
"Sugar Beet" and "Quaking Aspen/Orange Cap Bolete." About Place Journal 7.1 (2022): Black Earth Institute. Web.
"City in Winter." Spoon River Poetry Review 46.2 (2022): p. 69. Illinois State University. Print.
"Treatise on the History of Avigation." Kestrel 45 (2022): pp. 110-11. Fairmont State University. Print.
"Midwinter, an Approach.” Stoneboat 11.2 (2021): Stoneboat Literary Journal. Web.
"Rainbow Trout." Split Rock Review 17 (2021): Split Rock Review. Web.
"Melanopus spretus" and "Nycticorax olsoni." Portland Review (2021): Portland State University. Web.
"Aeneas Stirs the Hive" (Vergil: Aeneid, Book XII, ll. 574-592), "Invitation to the Song" (Vergil: Eclogue VII, ll. 1-14), "Aristaeus’ Swarm Resurrected" (Vergil: Georgics, Book IV, ll. 538-58), and "The Tomb of Tulliola, Daughter of Cicero." THINK Journal 11.2 (2021): pp. 31-41. Western Colorado University. Print.
"From the Abandoned House" and "Ghost Collector." I-70 Review (2021): pp. 174-75. I-70 Review. Print.
"Happening" and "Before Snow." Crab Creek Review 20.2 (2021): pp. 39-40. Crab Creek Review. Print.
"Little Song of Sunset.” Dunes Review 24.2 (2021): p. 75. Michigan Writers Cooperative Press. Print.
"Glaucopsyche xerces" and "Hydrodamalis gigas." Cold Mountain Review 49.1 (2021): Appalachian State University. Web.
"Vanvoorstia bennettiana." Spillway 28 (2020): p. 57. Tebot Bach, Inc. Print.
"Valley in the West." Natural Bridge 43 (2020): p. 190. University of Missouri—Saint Louis. Print.
"For the Child One Town Over, Who, on the Eve of the New Century, Discovers a Species of Beetle" and "Something Is Leaving Down Hackett Hill Road." Levee 5 (2020): pp. 120-23. Levee. Print.
"Cape Elizabeth, October.” Puerto del Sol (2020): New Mexico State University. Web.
"Cylindraspis vosmaeri," "Picaea critfieldii," and "Tympanuchus cupido cupido." THINK Journal 10.2 (2020): pp. 67-70. Western Colorado University. Print.
"On a Lunar Suspension." Phantom Drift: A Journal of New Fabulism 9 (2020): p. 64. Phantom Drift Limited. Print.
"Fragment on Natural Philosophy." Canary 49 (2020): Hippocket Press. Web.
"Grandfather’s Hands." Plainsongs 40.1 (2020): pp. 14-15. Hastings College Press. Print.
"Fragment on Celestial Lights" and "Fragment on the Lives of Flowers." The Wayfarer 8.2 (2019): p. 59. Homebound Publications. Print.
"Fragment on [ekpyrōsis]." Split Rock Review 13 (2019): Split Rock Review. Web.
"Nathan Manley on ekpyrōsis." Contributor Spotlight Series 13 (2019): Split Rock Review. Web.
"Fragment on a Lark’s Song." Bomb Cyclone 3 (2019): Bomb Cyclone. Web.
"The Dove on Far-off Terebinths," "Soundscape in Memory," and "While Walking." THINK Journal 9.1 (2019): pp. 45-47. Western Colorado University. Print.
"Modernity" and "Great Plains Triptych." Red Earth Review 7 (2019): pp. 22-23. Oklahoma City University. Print.
"Memory of the Garden." Flint Hills Review 23 (2018): p. 1. Emporia State University. Print.
"Tabernacle." About Place Journal 5.1 (2018): Black Earth Institute. Web.
"Thousand-Year Storm, County Landfill," "Lumens," and "Weld-County Moonscape." Pacific Review (2018): pp. 117-118, 127-129. San Diego State University. Print.
"Golden Hour." Crab Creek Review (2025): Crab Creek Review. Print.
"To Carus, with No Gift of Fowls" (Martial, Epigrammata IX.54) and "Caesar’s Beast" (Ausonius, Epigrammata 27). Kestrel (2025): Fairmont State University. Print.
Native. New Paltz, NY: Codhill Press, 2025. Pauline Uchmanowicz Poetry Award Series. Print.